What Im Doing For Fun
At first, school being out seemed like a dream. Everyone was excited that we would have a break from school and could finally relax. But as remote learning starting on Monday, everything felt different. Everyone was quarantined and couldn’t leave there house. So it wasn’t this perfect vacation away from school that everyone wanted. In addition, so many people started missing their friends and social life. The same people that wanted school canceled, are now the same people begging for school to pick up again. I agree, I miss seeing all my friends, teachers and having social interactions with the rest of my peers. Being quarantined isn’t the best, I haven’t been able to leave my house in so long and I miss being able to hang out with people and have fun. We all say we don’t have enough “free time” but now that we have it, we have too much and everything is boring. Video games are boring, scrolling through social media and Tik Tok is getting boring now too. In fact, Ive resorted to cleaning my room!!! To be honest this is the cleanest my room has ever been. I set up a bunch of LED lights and hung up a bunch of new posters. So this is something I've been doing for fun, but its something I probably wouldn’t have done. I also made these really cool oreo cheesecake cookies cookies. Being in quarantine has really opened up a lot of new hobbies. I am trying to keep an optimistic view about everything. I have the mindset to make quarantine as productive as possible, reach out to people and make people happy. Hopefully school starts again soon, because I am really starting to miss it. I especially feel bad for the seniors, who can potentially miss their graduation and senior prom. Ultimately, my heart goes out to all the people affected by this virus and hopefully everything works out soon.
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