COVID-19 Advice

The best advice I have heard is to stay home. Yes, I know it's basic, but it's the best advice anyone can give and hear. When people don't stay home the virus will continue to affect more people and our hospitals will become filled beyond capacity and we will run out of ventilators and respirators needed to allow people to survive. Although staying home might spread how long this pandemic lasts, it will keep everything at a manageable level that allows us to save the most amount of lives. When we stay home, a lot of people think that it's to protect themselves, and yes, in a way this is true. However, the key reason we stay home is to protect ourselves from others. Many times we see people who are spreading the virus when they don't even know that they have it. When people don't think they have the virus and leave their house, they are continuing to spread the virus. In a similar way with masks, people believe that wearing a mask is to prevent yourself from getting the virus. In a way, this is true, however a mask should also be used to prevent yourself from giving the virus to others. In cases like these, many people think about themselves, and that is understandable. However, we need to think about other people too. When we don't stay home, we are not only putting ourselves at risk, but putting others and risk, and the people we love are at risk. 


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