The American Nightmare

At one point, many used to consider America to be the “Land of Opportunity”, and America now considers itself to be the “greatest”. In reality, it is far from that. The idea of liberty and justice for all and the American Dream create a false sense of hope and opportunity that is not attainable for all people. Minorities in America have always sought the same social, political, and economic liberties white people have for simply being born. The sad truth of America is that everyday people recite that “Liberty and Justice is for all” when The America we are seeing now is one where long-standing issues of oppression, and immoral capitalism are clear as day. Ethnic and racial inequalities predominate in American society where people of color and marginalized groups face structural barriers and an unequal opportunity in cases of quality housing, healthcare, employment, and education. Oppression is not just always something one person does to another, but a system that creates...