How Technology is Consuming Us

Picture two different scenarios. Imagine you’re invited to a party and you don't know everyone. You walk down the stairs and instantly feel like you’re standing there feeling like a cow with two heads because it seems like no one is even noticing you. After a while, no one seems to notice you to the point where you want to leave. That doesn’t sound too fun, right? Well, here is the next one: you walk down the stairs to the same party, but this time you’re instantly greeted, people actually notice you and you have the night of your life. Now, which situation sounds better? The second. The difference is the way you were approached. In the first scenario, you didn’t feel welcome, where in the second, when in the second, you were approached and the night was instantly better. I will get back to this idea in a second. Homecoming for my school was this weekend, and in all honesty it was over hyped. A lot of it is due to people wanting to get funny video to put on our stories at the a...